INSTRUCTIONS FOR T-TRIID 2023 Grant Applications

 1.   Documents to Read BEFORE completing the Application

Before completing your grant application please ensure you have:

All of these documents provide valuable guidance for completing this application form.

Please ensure that you have all of your answers ready to enter into the online portal.  You will need to complete the application in one session. 

1   2. Attachments to add to the online application

There are up to 4 attachments that you can include in this application depending on the project size.  A useful tip - for Question 2 and 3 you need to have no more than three and two A4 pages respectively.  For those who don't have Acrobat or similar software to create PDF files of multiple pages, one tip is to place the diagrams, tables etc. into MS Word and create a PDF file from there.

a. Question 2, Section G: How innovative is the proposed project and what is your approach? You are allowed to attach up to three sides of A4 diagrams, figures and tables.  These should be uploaded in a single PDF document separate to your text.  Please note: Only the first three pages will be assessed. 

b. Question 3, Section G: What is the project plan? What are the relevant skills and expertise of the team to deliver the project? you are allowed to attach up to two sides of A4 for a Gantt chart or work plan, risk mitigation plan and team expertise.  These should be uploaded in a single PDF document seperate to your text.  Please note:  Only the first two pages will be assessed.

c. Question 4, Section G: For large projects only (>25K and <50K), a cashflow needs to be submitted in MS Excel format (or open-source spreadsheet format) covering the 12 months duration of the project.  This should include information about the work completed each month and the related costs.  This is to help the DT-Global team propose a tailored milestone payment plan so that you receive more frequent payments that are more reflective of your expenses. 

d. Question 6, Section G: Cashflow: If you are applying for funding of more than GBP25,000 (large project), you will need to submit a cash flow for your project duration in Excel format or in an open-source spreadsheet.

e. Due Diligence.  

All applications must be accompanied by a completed Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ).

Independent consultants should complete the DDQ for individual consultants found here.

All other applicants should complete the DDQ for Partners found here.

For independent consultants please ensure that you also upload the required documents, passport photo page and copies of degree and higher certificates.   

  3. Section G

It is recommended that you complete the text for all the main sections of the proposal in section G in Word, or in a text document, first and then copy and paste the final versions into the relevant sections on the online form.  When cutting and pasting from MS Word or other documents into the portal, ‘Paste as Plain Test’ is recommended as it will remove any formatting issues. 

There are character limits (i.e. based on 6500 characters in 1000 words) set for each question in Section G. Please make sure you don't exceed these limits in Word (or text document) before pasting to the online form. The extra characters will be ignored.  

 4. Assessment  process

A two step assessment process will be applied. 

Step 1 - All applications will be subjected to the triage process using the Public Project Summary and Question on Approach and Innovations. Only those applications that adequately address the innovation/approach question and achieve over 50%, will qualify for a full review. Those applications scoring less than 50% on this question will not proceed further. 

Step 2 - Those applications that qualify at Triage process will undergo full reviews of the six main questions by two to three independent reviewers. Please note that each of the six questions have different weighting factors according to their importance. e.g. Q2 Approach and Innovations has a weighting factor of three and the information provided should reflect this importance. Graphs, data and figures can be provided to support the information provided in this section.

It is recommended that you review the scoring system covered in the application form and use the Guidance and FAQs document to complete the form effectively. The criteria document contained in the Guidance and FAQs will advise how reviewers will be scoring your applications.

  5. Deadline

The deadline for applications is:

 17:00 hours GMT on 20 th March 2023


Applications submitted after this deadline will NOT be assessed. 


 6. Mobile Devices  

Please note that mobile devices are not supported by the application form, please use a PC or laptop. 


 7. Return to main page to start application 

Testing the online form: Remember you can start the application form to review the questions and the form setup as many times as you want before you start completing the form with your answers.  Just make sure you leave the online system and DO NOT submit the form.

Submitting your application: Once you have prepared your answers and attachments offline, please allow 1-1.5 hours to complete the online form.  Make sure you SUBMIT the form. You should receive an automatic email response to confirm that your form has been received. 


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